Ep007: Mike Russell

This week, we've got a really great episode. I spent some time with Mike Russell, who has a business that turns dentists' waiting lounges into an opportunity in the during unit where, on average, people are waiting for about 8 minutes. 

Mike's team have a really great system that play videos that rather than overtly-selling are educational. We talk in Profit Activator 3 about educating and motivating, and this is one opportunity to guide customers to the next step.

Now, it's a relatively new adventure for him and one of the things we talked about is how do you get the word out about something that's new.  One of the ideas, building on last weeks episode, is  to create a pilot program and document the results so it's easy for the dentist to see the impact of using these videos in their waiting lounges. 

I'm pretty excited about this episode. I think you'll enjoy it. Here we go.

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Ep006: Matt Sellhorst

This week I'm talking with Matt Sellhorst. Matt helps boat dealers make more money and this is a great show demonstrating how the 8-Profit Activators apply to any brokerage business where you are looking to match buyers to sellers as well as finding sellers for buyers.

You'll hear a great 'lightbulb' moment for Matt as he starts to think in terms of 'What if I only got paid when my clients make money'. It's a change in mindset you'll hear a lot across the shows and can be a breakthrough mindset change for you too...

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Ep005: Coran Woodmass

I'm excited about today's episode. I had a great conversation with Coran Woodmass, a business broker with a very specific type of business modeled after one of the principles we talk about in the 8-Profit Activators.

This is exactly the type of conversation I love having on More Cheese Less Whiskers and we were able to hatch some pretty amazing schemes that are going to make a big difference to Coran’s business.

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Ep003: Jeff Moore

This week I'm talking with long time I Love Marketing listener & seafood legend Jeff Moore but rather than focus on what Jeffs doing, we're looking at his wife Doreen's business.

This is a fantastic episode diving deep into the difference between convincing & compelling.

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Ep002: Dan Sullivan

This week I'm talking with Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach. Dan and I record The Joy of Procrastination podcast together and in the first episode the perfect opportunity presented itself. Join me as we talk for an hour about marketing and fill Dan's upcoming event...

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