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Ep219: Happy Energy with Tim Organ

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Ep219: Happy Energy with Tim Organ Dean Jackson & Tim Organ

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers Podcast, we have a special treat.

Usually, when I have people on the podcast, I don't know them, it's the first time I'm getting to know what they're working on, but today I've got my good friend, Tim Organ.

Tim is married to another good friend, JJ Virgin. I was at their house for dinner just after Christmas, we were talking about energy and focus and all those things you think about to get an edge on the New Year, and Tim gave me some supplements he had been working on as part of a top-secret project.

Well, now his project, his edge performance pack, is available.

It's a really great combination I've been taking since then that gives clarity and focus. What's great about it is the energy I get is what I call a 'happy energy,' rather than the amped-up feeling you might get from a caffeine-type supplement. It just helps to stay focused and clear.

So, Tim and I are going to talk about the launch of his new supplement, and I'm excited for you to hear the brainstorming of the idea and hopefully give you a chance to experience this for yourself.

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Transcript - More Cheese Less Whiskers 219


Dean: Tim.

Tim: Dean.

Dean: There he is.

Tim: How are you doing?

Dean: Did you hear that? The organizer is recording this phone call.

Tim: I love that. That was good to get the automated I'm recording you now.

Dean: I can't wait to hear it.

Tim: Rather than not telling you that you're not being recorded.

Dean: That's right. I can't wait to hear what you're going to say. I'm very excited about this. Normally, I would say 90% of the podcasts I record I don't know the people. So this is going to be a fun one because I know you and we've got our bromance going. And I'm excited about what's going on here in your world. So let's pretend like you don't know me and tell me who you are and what's going on so we can jump into hatching some evil schemes here.

Tim: Yeah. So Tim. I have led an amazing life. I have to say that just growing up in a family of five and having some amazing brothers and sister, one sister, was always a nice thing to grow up. Especially being the youngest. I got to get the brunt of all the older siblings. Certainly making me do things and taking advantage of me so to speak. But there were some hiccups in life. Lost my dad when I was 10 and my mother when I was 16. So pretty much grew up early and had to go out and figure it out on my own. I got myself into college at San Diego State. Did business there and came out of there and just started an amazing corporate sales career that I've still been enjoying for 30 plus years. And ended up marrying a girl that we met when I was a senior in college and ended up getting married and had two amazing children. I've got a daughter who's 22 and my son who's 18. And I think you know the history after that.

We divorced in 2013 and met an amazing woman in JJ. Her name's JJ Virgin and she really elevated me to the next level in so many ways. Just from a mindset perspective and a health perspective and a business perspective. It really has been an amazing journey with her and we continue to expand and grow and I'm so excited for really the next 50 plus years because being a 56 year old male, I don't look at my life being one where I'm on a downside. I actually look at 56 and saying, "Okay, what can I do to double my lifespan?" Or, "What can I do to become 112 years old, 115 year old, 120 years old?" So I continue to have that mindset and it's all about putting the right pieces in place from a mindset, from a healthy lifestyle. Just doing things that you love and hanging out with people you love and connecting and collaborating and just enjoying the best you can with what life has to offer you.

Dean: It's funny the way your mind works though. You kind of set your focus on something. Maybe one of the healthiest guys I know, Joe Stumpf, was a partner of mine. We built a big coaching company together. And he is the oldest civilian guy to go through the Navy Seals' Kokoro training. He did it at 54 years old. Completed it. He's 65 now. Will be 65 this year. But his guiding thing is that I'm in the best shape of my life. He's always improving and is always getting better and better kind of thing. So he's been able to maintain that. Really got into Crossfit and was one of the top Crossfit guys in the world for his age. Qualified for the games but then blew his shoulder out, which is common among real peak levels of crossfit like that. But funny how you set your intention, like you're just saying that this is the midpoint of your life. Getting to 112. How can you live like you're going to double your lifespan?

Tim: Yeah.

Dean: It's fascinating. It's interesting because you have launched something that you've been working on for a while now and I'm pretty excited that we get to talk about your new product. So tell me what led up to this.

Tim: Sure. Boy, it started ... I can say that it started seven years ago when it just hit me that I wasn't healthy, I wasn't well, I wasn't happy in my marriage, in my relationships, in the relationships I had with my children. And I knew I had to do something. I had to change something. And a backstory is that, as I mentioned, I lost my father when I was 10. Well, I lost my father when he was 45. And it didn't hit me until later in life that that really took me out of balance. Because 10 years old, you losing your father, it's like okay, now who's going to be that father figure in my life? And fortunately I had an older brother, actually my oldest brother, Jeff, who really picked up the reigns. It's almost like he was dropped in on this planet to be the guiding light for our family. To be able to take care of all the responsibilities. And at his age, I think he was ... And when my mother passed away at 16, he was 27 years old. But was in the military, very intelligent guy. He just had all the tools to be able to take the responsibilities that somebody that age normally isn't given the keys to an entire family with all the financial responsibility.

So anyway, he helped guide me through some of this. And then after I lost my mom, that was also very challenging. But with the loss of my father, as I mentioned, in later years was a wake up call for me to say, "Okay, well, he didn't lead a healthy lifestyle. He was a smoker. He was overweight. He was stressed." There was just a lot of things going on and unfortunately later in life I lost my second oldest brother, Kevin, to very much the same thing that my father passed away of. And I looked at that and it gave me even a more wake up call back in 2013 when I was in my mid to late 40s. And this is right around the same time as my brother and my father. And though I wasn't on the same path because I was leading a much healthier lifestyle, it turned out that there was some depression involved. And through the research that I had done is that men start to lose ... And those real important hormones, especially testosterone and other things that help us keep us healthy and vibrant and give us that energy and give us that focus where the weight of life was crashing in on me and I was having some hormonal challenges as well.

So it was time for me to do something about it. And I picked up every self help book I could read. I started to engage myself in new communities to basically get myself out there and become more extroverted versus introverted by kind of going into myself. I wanted to get myself out there and so I started pushing the envelope. And once I met JJ, she turned me onto the idea of, "Hey, there are some things that you could take around supplements that will help move you out of this funk. Be able to get your body back and be able to restore some of the things that men usually lose at this time." And it became a personal mission of mine about five to six years ago as I started digging into this that men are in a real challenge right now. Especially when they hit their mid 40s. Sometimes it happens earlier, sometimes it happens later. But finding out that these men are walking through life depressed, they just don't have the mindset to say, "You know what, I can overcome this. This is just life. This is just what happened to me." It really started to really start to gel for me to say, "Hey, you know what, I can do something here."

And my first step into this was to create a brand around helping men and the name of it is called Reclaim Your Edge. And I looked at this as something I could start to put together, but of course life just handed me a lot of things around just the work that I needed to do from a business perspective and just keeping up with JJ of course. It was a really big task.

Dean: Ha ha. Right.

Tim: Yeah. It was a really big task for me to really launch this big brand, but I realized as I was going through this that I was taking these supplements that are now part of this supplement pack that I've developed for men called the Edge Performance Power Pack. And really what it is about is about helping men with increasing their energy, increasing their focus, really making this a heart health and a cardio health designed packet. And of course, I was taking these but there were a lot of things that I was taking that eventually didn't make it into the pack. And primarily because I ran a number of men through a series of trials. And what I found out in the first trial is that there was a supplement in there that contained a lot of herbs. And I've read a lot online about other supplement products out there that contain these types of herbs that really mess a lot of guys up and gals up as well. So it came down to me saying you know what, I need to remove this one and bring something else in. And lo and behold, I brought in ubiquinol, which is basically a pure form of CoQ10.

And if you're familiar with CoQ10, it's something that every man should be on. But not just CoQ10 but ubiquinol which is the purest form of CoQ10, which really is the one that is a catalyst for health. And I introduced this product into this packet, got it out to the guys, and lo and behold, nobody had any issues. And the response rate I got was overwhelming that this pack on a daily basis helped increase their energy, helped increase their focus, and really gave them an overall ... What they felt is that there was this activation in them that they hadn't felt in a long time. And as you know, I got this into your hands and as we were developing this, after the trial the guys came back to me and said, "Hey, when can I get some more of this? I'm out. And I really saw the bump on this thing and I need to get this-"

Dean: Including me.

Tim: Including you. Yes. And lo and behold Dean, I think you got your first box yesterday, right? Did you get a delivery yesterday?

Dean: I did. I'm holding it in my hands and you told me-

Tim: Fantastic.

Dean: You told me I am shipment number one.

Tim: You are.

Dean: And that's like a badge of honor as my ... You know what I thought is ... The reason I asked you about that was Gary Vaynerchuck's brother, AJ, has a framed thing in his office as he was the first Uber ride in Manhattan. So he was Uber passenger number one in Manhattan. And I feel good that I am shipment number one of the Edge Performance Power Pack. I've got it right here.

Tim: Well, so much so that I am shipment number two. And I've got my box in my hand.

Dean: I love it.

Tim: Yeah. And by the way Dean, this is podcast number one for me. I am so honored to be on your podcast and I have a mission to get on 100 podcasts this year to get the message out. Because this is so critically important for these men and for them to reconnect the relationships with their loved ones. Their family, their friends, their children. To be able to get them activated, to get their mindset thinking in a different way, to help their overall performance, whether it's in their business, whether it's in the things they do to stay healthy, to stay active, whether it's with their spouse in the bedroom. This is really about activating these guys that are stuck. And this is what it really comes down to. You see that men at this age, they just get stuck in their life and they don't know what to do or how to get out of it. And unfortunately, suicide is a high number percentage wise when men get into the 45 year olds. And I talk about my brother and my father. Even though they didn't commit suicide, they basically with their lifestyle and the depression and everything, they led themselves to a slow death.

And that is the thing that I am on a mission to stop because it's all about activating these men. To get them out of their trance, to get them unstuck and get them thinking and believing that they can do things differently and they can lead their life in a new way. And they can look at life and say, "I'm not even at the halfway point in my life. What do I need to do next?" If you look at the box, Dean, there are three words underneath the Performance Power Pack. And it is activate, elevate, and accelerate. This has been my life mission going forward and will continue to be is that we as men need to activate ourselves. To be able to get those things in place to then allow us to elevate. Because as soon as we wake up and say, "Okay, it's time to start moving forward," then you start putting in the components and say, "Okay, what are the things that I could do to elevate my life and elevate those around me to be able to take everything to the next level?" And once you get to that next level, the acceleration is so key because you feel this power, you feel this performance unlike anything you've felt before just because everything is activated and elevated.

And you can say, "What's possible? What is next for me? And what can I go get? And what can I achieve in my life? And how can I become a better dad? How can I become a better coworker? How can I become a better spouse? How can I become a better citizen of community or whatever it is?" And just to be able to build off of that and that's where the acceleration comes in. And the acceleration is unlimited. There is no cap to this.

Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative). This is great. I look at a couple of interesting things kind of anecdotally. In the fall I got ... Actually, after Thanksgiving I got an Oura ring. So I've been wearing the Oura ring, which it's neat because it tracks readiness and your sleep. Do you have an Oura ring?

Tim: I do. Yes.

Dean: Yeah. Okay. So you know what I'm talking about there?

Tim: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yep.

Dean: So I've got all the historical numbers. And then you and I had dinner. I came up to your house on New Year's weekend I think it was. It might have been right after the new year.

Tim: Yes. Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dean: And we were talking and you gave me the Edge to test as you were building it all out. So you gave me a 90 day supply sort of thing of it and I started taking it right away and was taking it every day. And I did immediately notice a difference. I noticed that I felt more awake. Not in a amped up kind of way, but in a just mental sharpness and present mindedness. Not in a fog or in low energy. Did you ever see that movie Get Out about Jordan Peele?

Tim: I did not.

Dean: Did you see it?

Tim: No.

Dean: Oh, you've got to see it then.

Tim: All right. Get Out. I will write that down.

Dean: There's a thing in there where he's being hypnotized but the lady who plays the hypnotist talks about it as the sunken place. Where you feel like you're inside your body and you see out but you feel like you're three layers back from your energized self kind of thing. And I noticed that this was helping me feel vibrant, I think would be the right word. Vibrant and clear and focused and in a positive kind of way. And my sleep scores started going up. And my readiness scores were going up. And I point that out because they've mainly stayed up in those things and then a couple of weeks ago I texted you that, "Hey, I'm out." And you said, "Well, I'm in San Diego. We're just about ready." So it's been maybe 10 days or almost two weeks I guess without it and I noticed the difference. I noticed that my sleep scores were a little down, my readiness, my general experience of the day was a little different. It's not scientific but it's certainly anecdotal that I do notice a difference with it.

Tim: Well, I am happy to hear that Dean but I'm also sad to hear that.

Dean: Uh-oh. Yeah.

Tim: No, no, no. Of course, having a like I feel like this and now I feel like that, of course is always ... Okay. Well, the good news is that you're feeling like this now because you've been using this and that you actually now notice that when you haven't been using it that things go down. And the fact that you're using the Oura ring is great. I mean, you are the first one who actually has told me. And I've heard this a number of times that the guys that were using it and then they stopped using it are like, "Send me some more. I'm not feeling as great as I did. Whatever it is that you've got in here, this thing is amazing." And I heard the same thing also that they felt this vibrancy about them, they felt this flow of energy. But it wasn't a jittery like you could get through drinking coffee or drinking-

Dean: Yeah. Not a caffeinated or ginseng like one. It's more just a vibrance.

Tim: Yep.

Dean: Yeah.

Tim: Just a-

Dean: Calming.

Tim: Exactly. Calming. Yeah. But it's this elevated feeling that you get. It's like okay, I feel this and it's 3:00 in the afternoon and I feel great. Or it's 3:00 in the afternoon and I've got to push through a podcast that I have to do. And I listened to your podcast with James from Manly yesterday.

Dean: Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, nice.

Tim: Yeah. And so he is in Australia, right?

Dean: Yeah.

Tim: And it sounded like you had to do this thing at 7:00 so this is one of the great things about this product is that you can take a second pack in the afternoon or in the evening. And what's funny is, I'll give you a little backstory on this, when I first thought about coming out with this, the original name of this thing was called The ED Pill Enhancer. And I ran that by legal and they're like, "Uh, you can't do that. You can't make that claim." I'm like, "Okay, I get that." So this is why it's called the Edge Performance Power Pack. But part of the things that I talk about is that, hey, why not use this before sex with your spouse or if you're on an ED pill, try this with this. But really what it's about is about giving you that energy that you need to really push through. And if there is a late night, like you're doing a podcast late, that you can do this in the afternoon and get that. And by the way, you can go to sleep. There's no real issues with this. So it really is a nice blend.

Dean: Yeah. I remember the first two times I took ... Well, the first time I took it was at your house at night. So yeah, I wasn't up all ... Not like drank coffee or anything like that, but you feel good. Well, that's good to know I can double up. I've been doing one pack a day. Do you want to talk about the things that are in it? Because be interesting to see why you chose this combination of things.

Tim: Sure. Yeah. I think the first one, as we talked about earlier, is what's involved around heart health, right?

Dean: Yeah.

Tim: And that's so important for men and women, but I'm just going to focus on the men here primarily because there is a ... What happens in men after 40 years old is that this CoQ10 production that happens in the body ... You get the majority of your CoQ10, if you're not supplementing it, you're getting it through the things that you're eating. You can find it in meat and if you do soy or whatever it may be that there is CoQ10 that's involved in this. And your body will take this and it'll convert it to ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is really the finest form and the cleanest form of this CoQ10 to be able to deliver this to your body to your cellular infrastructure, to your heart. But after 40, your body really has a hard time turning this CoQ10 into ubiquinol. So as your body ages, these are the challenges that you face. So you could-

Dean: Every time you say ubiquinol my mind goes to unobtainium or something ... These names of these things.

Tim: And trust me, I've read these scientific papers and I'm like, "Okay, I'm not going to say that because I know I'll pronounce it wrong. I'm not training to be a scientist." But I can say this one is ubiquinol. So what this basically does is it's a way of ... Think of it as you're driving on a single lane highway and you have to go through a tollbooth. And you have to sit there and you have to .... So that's what CoQ10 is. You got to go to a tollbooth, you got to hand the toll person the money to be able to get through the tollbooth, right?

Dean: Yeah.

Tim: So as you age, think about it now as there's now more cars stacked up in front of you trying to get through the same tollbooth, right?

Dean: Right.

Tim: But what ubiquinol does is think of it as a fast pass. You go past those tollbooths and you just go right through and you zoom past all those cars. That's what ubiquinol is. It basically is a fast pass to get as much of this to your blood and to your cells and to your heart as fast as possible in the purest form. So that really is, I would say, the foundation of this. The second one is what we're going to call an annatto. And there's a couple forms of annatto. There is a GG, or a geranylgeraniol, and there is basically Annatto-E. The geranylgeraniol is the part of the annatto ... And it's a plant by the way. That part of the GG is really what you will get the testosterone boost from. That's where a lot of the energy comes from and really boosting all those aspects of your body to say okay, I'm ... As you age, your testosterone production goes down. So this is actually now starting to bring it up again and starting to elevate it. The Annatto-E, which is ... I like to refer to it as a vitamin E on steroids. This thing is an amazing product.

When you put those two things together, you're really getting this ... Think of it as cardio health. That's the second component of this. So you've got heart health, and now you've got this cardio component that really allows for your body to start to produce more and you start to get this uplift in energy, this focused feeling like we talked about where it's not jittery, it's just this elevated feeling.

And then the last one is arginine. And arginine is a very common supplement out there and the strength of this is locked into a good, healthy dose for you. It's at 1500 milligrams. Generally they say if you have an ED problem or you need to take this for added support, they generally say around two and a half to five grams. So this is right in that range. But what's great about the arginine is that it really is a ... Thinking about as a nitric oxide support. Really it's just giving you more blood flow in areas all around your body. And of course, we all love to have more blood flow so our body can start doing things that it needs to do. So when you put these three things together, the heart health, the cardio health, and the nitric oxide support, this is what's giving this supplement pack a really solid performance from start to finish on it and why you can take more and not get that funky feeling of I don't feel well, I'm overstimulated, I'm jittery, or this thing's really messing up with maybe a medication I'm taking. That's the beauty of this is that really anybody can take this and really get the effects and feel that upgraded performance that they may have lost or have lost over the last couple years.

Dean: Wow. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Amazing. Let's talk about the marketing now. We've got what it is. Our target audience is men in their 40s and up who are-

Tim: Yeah. 40 to 65. I like to look at it as 45 to 65. Of course, I've had guys that are younger that have taken it and see some tremendous benefit and of course, guys in their 70s and 80s who also have taken it saying, "Wow, this is amazing." Yeah. So there's really no upper limit on this, but I would say that those men in the early to mid 40s are really the target audience to the low end of my-

Dean: As they're coming in. Right.

Tim:Yes, exactly.

Dean: So the initial strategy is going to be doing podcasts to get out there. So if only you had some connections in that world that could get you on podcasts and stuff. I mean, how are you going to hurdle that?

Tim: Well, I have an amazing network as you know, Dean, through JJ.

Dean: I know. Yes, of course.

Tim: So very fortunate and blessed to have her in my life. I'm one that believes things happen for a reason and I am here today talking to you, having JJ in my life, having her amazing connections and her network. Because her focus, for those of you who are not familiar with JJ Virgin, who really has been a leader in health and wellness. So much so that she was one of the first personal trainers back in the '80s. Started helping doctors in their practice to basically get supplements into their practice to help them build their business, which she's created a business that she refers to or we like to refer to as Mindshare Collaborative, which is really a business and mindset group for physicians. Primarily for the integrated practice. Functional medicine. So it's one of the best communities, as you know, out there today that's really leading the charge in the health and wellness space. And she also launched a personal brand and also is a four time New York best selling author. The Virgin Diet and The Sugar Impact Diet and the two cookbooks that she has. So she's been a leading health advocate and has definitely inspired me to, of course, eat in a healthier way, live in a healthier way and focus on sleep, which is so important for all of us.

So she's really helped me dial things in my life and has actually given me a level of knowledge that I can take out to the world. And I look at my goal right now and say I want to help 10 million men. And I know that's a low end but I've got to start somewhere. I've got to start somewhere to get the message out. And one of the ways that I'm going to do that is leverage JJ's community. The community that we share together with regards to these physicians. And these physicians are ... They are focused primarily on health, on autoimmune disease, and really looking at how can we lead our lives without bombarding our systems with pharmaceuticals? How can we live our life and eating a certain way or living a certain way or thinking in a certain way? And that's another really important part of this is that she has connected me with the groups that she runs around with through these transformation leaders. These individuals who are these mindset leaders that are helping us change the way we think about ourselves and how we can show up in the world. So when you think about it, the three most important things that I believe are involved with mindset, around health, and around relationships.

If you can optimize those and make those the best in your life and continue to elevate those, you'll be amazed by the amount of things that come your way. Right?

Dean: Right.

Tim: So getting to her community is certainly the most important, is really spreading this word throughout the Mindshare Collaborative. And that's where a lot of these podcasts will happen. Of course, there's a lot of individuals outside of the community that have connections to the community that I'm also going to reach out to. And then the last thing is that she's still heavily involved with her audience on her personal brand which has now rebranded Reignite Wellness. And that is a brand that basically focuses on women who are in their late 40s, 50s, 60s who are having some of the same challenges that men are having. And what's interesting about this group is that generally the women are the health CEOs of the family.

Dean: I was just going to say that that's such an advantage. Having them bringing this to their partners is something.

Tim: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yes. You're absolutely right. And that's how I got into this. She'd just put these things on my nightstand and say, "Here, take these. Take two of these. Take one of these. Take three of these. And oh, by the way, we're not staying up till 11. We go to sleep at 9:00, 9:30 and we wake up at 6:30. So we get our eight to nine hours of sleep. And by the way, you need to eat that and not this and don't eat that and eat this." So those are the things that I'm like, "Okay. Of course. Yes. I will raise my hand and say yes." So that's where-

Dean: Just as a sidebar ... I think this is an interesting thing so just as a sidebar, let's go through a day in the life of a man with a performance edge. I mean, that's really your ... It's this lifestyle. It's nothing you know yourself. And to the chagrin of every person who's ever tried it, there's more to having a true edge than taking supplements and doing nothing else. But what you're saying, you're looking at your progression here of activate is the first thing that even to get to the point where you're dragging somebody from the sunken place to a place of presence and feeling good while having some energy to then elevate that to now using that as a platform to layer these other things on top of it. I'm very interested in a day in the life.

Tim: Sure. Yeah, that's a great question, Dean.

Dean: Yeah.

Tim: Yes. This is of course a very high level but this is how I lead I my life. It all starts with getting a good night's sleep. It all starts with getting to bed at a normal time.

Dean: What's a normal time for you? Do why typically go to bed at 9:30?

Tim: Yeah. We're generally in ... Yeah. We are in bed and lights are out by 9:30, 10:00 at the latest. 10:00 is generally the late time for us. And what's important is that we black out the room. You have to get any lights, and even though how dim they are, you got to take those down as well. One of the other things is ... And we all know our good friend Dave Asprey is the Bulletproof guy. He also is an amazing biohacker and has created a company called TrueDark. TrueDark is a company that creates basically these red light glasses and blue light glasses that help filter the light out. So one of the things that we do before we go to bed is we put on these glasses if there's lights on. Because you have to get your body to say okay, it's sleep time. And that means you limit the use of your phone, your iPad, don't watch TV before you go to bed. I mean, all these things, these lights are stimulating you so that it's going to disrupt your sleep pattern. So if you're going to do any of this, definitely invest yourself a good pair of glasses to be able to filter this light so that your body now understands that you're getting ready for sleep.

So that's one of the most important things. Make sure the room is cold. As cold as you can get it. Because the warmer the room is it's going to elevate your body temperature and you're just not going to be comfortable and you continue to wake up and toss and turn.

Dean: What do you sleep at? What temperature?

Tim: We generally sleep at 67 to 68 degrees.-

Dean: Yeah. We've got a Nest and do it at 68.

Tim: Yeah. And what's amazing is we actually use weighted blankets as well. So sometimes we'll crank down the temperature even more and use a weighted blanket, which is amazing. So those things are a great investment. But make sure you black out the room, you get the room condition in a good situation so that things are ready. Of course, make sure you have a good pillow. These things are all the basics, right?

Dean: Yeah, right.

Tim: I mean, if you're still sleeping on the same pillow that you slept on three years ago, it's time to turn in your pillow and get a new one. The other one is make sure you've got a good mattress as well. That's always important. But the most important thing is-

Dean: We're orthopedic over here.

Tim: Yeah. Is get your eight to nine hours sleep. So that means if you get to bed at 10-

Dean: What are your sleep scores on your Oura? What do you target as-

Tim: I target in the 90s.

Dean: I've never been in the 90s. My peak is ... 88 is the top one that I've had.

Tim: Yeah. And I rarely meet it, but that's always my goal. I'm always in the mid to high 80s. If I can get up in the low 90s, perfect. But of course, life just happens to us and there's things that we may be thinking of that we bring to bed and that kind of keeps us in tosses and turns. So that's always the most important thing is clear out the mind before you get down. But when morning comes and you've had a good solid night's sleep, one of the things that I do of course is I do my best to meditate but sometimes it's difficult first thing in the morning. So what I will do is I'll invest myself in reading a book. Something that has something to do with mindset. Right now I'm reading the Ryan Holiday books, but I've read a number of things from Steven Pressfield to Bo Eason, who we know Bo, or Napoleon Hill. Whatever it is. I'm always looking to expand my knowledge. And especially when I'm first awake and I'm having that first cup of Bulletproof coffee that I'm just trying to get my mind right. I'm not jumping on my phone, I'm not jumping on my computer. I'm just elevating myself in a way that I'm setting my intentions.

And then after that I'll put down a simple list of the things I need to do today, the calls that I have, the time I need to invest in myself, which is so critical. So coming out of that, if I do have the time, I'll find myself meditating for 30 to 45 minutes. And by the way, I'm so excited. I don't know if you know who Joe Dispenza is.

Dean: I do.

Tim: But I'm heading to his workshop later this month in Orlando.

Dean: I was going to say, here in Florida. Right.

Tim: Yeah. So really excited about it because I have a number of friends that have gone through this and say it's the most amazing thing. So I'm really looking forward to his workshop.

Dean: Are you doing the seven day or the five day?

Tim: Seven day. Yeah.

Dean: Seven day.

Tim: Yeah. Yep. So I'm so excited and I just feel the energy. I've been watching is his progressive videos and his intensive videos and just getting myself ready for this. I already know it's going to be an amazing result. I mean, it's already happened. My mindset is that this has already happened, I'm just preparing myself for this journey. But the other important thing is to make sure that you're intermittent fasting. And I know there's a lot of controversy around intermittent fasting about what you should do, what you should not do, but we try to eat early. So we will try to eat 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 at the latest and we will not eat until the 9:30, 10:00, 10:30. And sometimes on the weekends we go even later to 11:00, 11:30 and have only two meals on the weekends. But it's important to get that good solid intermittent fasting in place. So when it comes down to-

Dean: I've been trying to do 8:00 till noon.

Tim: Perfect.

Dean: That's been my ... Mm-hmm (affirmative). So I'm looking forward to-

Tim: Yeah. Eight hours is great.

Dean: 10 minutes right now.

Tim: Yeah. That's exactly where you need to peg yourself. So great job on that. But the most important thing too is that what you're putting in your body ... Your body needs fuel and it needs the right fuel. So I'm a big advocate of not eating gluten and if I do eat gluten it's a very minuscule amount. But I also take an enzyme to block it. I stay away from sugar for the most part. Of course, sometimes sugar sneaks in, especially when there's a good dessert that's being served. [crosstalk 00:49:20].

Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Tim: Whatever it is. You can't avoid it at all costs but you certainly can limit it or take it out altogether. And there's so many great healthy swaps out there that you can do. And I stay away from processed foods and just try to eat as much whole food as possible. The salmon, the chickens, the lean chickens. When I do eat meat it's grass fed, grass finished. Making sure that potatoes and rice and good clean vegetables like broccoli or asparagus, whatever it may be-

Dean: We had my perfect meal ... We joked about it. When I was at your place when we had these great steaks with asparagus and ... Either asparagus or broccoli. Asparagus I think. And some potato. And it was delightful. So do you distinguish between a lunch meal and do you have two meals like that in a day or what's your ...

Tim: Yeah. The meal routine for me is a protein shake in the morning. JJ's got some great-

Dean: If only you knew someone who made a great protein shake.

Tim: Yeah. But I'm a paleo guy so I'm going to have the paleo proteins and sometimes I'll throw in plant protein as well. But you make sure you've got a good milk like a flaxmilk that doesn't have any sugar. There's a great one out there. It's a vanilla unsweetened flaxmilk that you can get. You throw some ice in there, you throw an avocado, you can throw some spinach in there, half a banana. And then we throw some extra fiber and some collagen powder. We throw a lot of goodness into this thing. And I tell you, it is a meal. You have this thing and you're like, "Okay, great. I feel great. Nothing's weighing me down. I didn't eat a big breakfast in the morning and now I just can't get out of my chair." And then it's time for lunch a couple hours later. So this is a great way to push yourself through. And we know a lot of folks who actually do these in the afternoon as well to give themselves a boost. But that's pretty much a standard breakfast for me. And then the lunch, as you mentioned. Normally I like to do a rice bowl so it'll be a white rice or a brown rice or a quinoa and I'll throw some chicken. Like we'll get a free range chicken and we'll just cut it up. And then throw some broccoli or whatever it is.

I'll make extra vegetables the night before and I'll throw that into my bowl or I'll throw it in a gluten free wrap. And that'll push me through what I need to do. And then, as we mentioned, the evening is very simple. So at the end of the day it's not hard to make a very simple meal and it's far less expensive than ordering out. And you have control of what goes into it. So as long as you just do this on a daily basis, you'll start to feel this like, "Wow. I feel so much better. I feel so much more alert. I'm actually losing weight." And what was amazing is when I first got on this protein shake regimen, which I was doing but I was throwing a lot of sugar into it when I was ... It was my pre JJ days. I was throwing things and probably using the wrong protein powder as well. But it was amazing when I started doing these shakes I started losing weight and I-

Dean: When you say sugar, you're talking about fruit? Like fruit sugar or-

Tim: Well, no. I was ... All right. Yeah. There was a lot of ... I loved ice cream and I loved other things.

Dean: Okay. All right. Okay. All right.

Tim: I was putting things in my body-

Dean: Okay. No, I thought you were mad at fruit or something.

Tim: No. No, not at all. Actually I do put cherries in mine. I put unsweetened, basically dark, dark cherries into my shake, which I absolutely love.

Dean: Got it.

Tim: But the most important thing is just continue to eat as clean as you can and we know that things do happen and you are out at a restaurant and you may have too many chips and guacamole. We love guacamole by the way. But you may be eating things that you shouldn't be. But if you're staying consistent and staying true, you're going to notice a difference. You're going to notice, as I mentioned, this heightened level of energy. You're going to start feeling better. You're going to start to lose weight. You're going to start to feel better in the gym. Your performance is going to start to pick up. And of course, making sure you're taking the right supplements ... The Edge Performance Power Pack has been a tremendous boost for me when I get up. And after I've had my breakfast I'll do some work. Right around lunchtime I'll hit the gym. Because I'm fortunate enough to be able to have a job that I can work out of the house like all of us now, we're working out of the house for the most part. But you need to find that time to carve out to go to the gym. Whether it's the afternoon, the evening.

Get the level of cardio in you need. Get the level of weight training you need. And there's a term that's called HIIT. It's H-I-I-T. That's really about the interval training. To be able to go in and push yourself in the gym and just really get ... Whether it's sprints on a treadmill or whether it's sprints on a bike. A minute on, a minute off. Whatever it is. I mean, the HIIT training is so important for your body. But by doing that, and also by the way, adding supplements, especially in this day and age that you want to make sure your body's in peak performance. So make sure that you're having vitamin C in your diet. You've got vitamin D. You've got quercetin. You're keeping your immunity levels up. That's so important these days. And I'm always supplementing that to make sure that I'm keeping myself at a peak level.

Yeah. So that's pretty much the day. It may sound boring and it may sound very routine, but it's an important key to me living twice my age by staying in this regimen and staying in this-

Dean: But that's all it is is this thing that's easy. It's sustaining that every day all the way through. That's the real thing. So it's encouraging, really, that it is that simple and it's just about getting into that routine of the only time you can do it is now. So it's really only about today getting into that and then watching what happens. What's your plans for the community around this? Because I think that's going to be part of the magic of this.

Tim: Yeah. It's the most exciting thing for me of knowing where this is going but not really knowing how it's going to go, right?

Dean: Right.

Tim: That's what excites me every day. Waking up knowing that this Performance Power Pack is really the start of the climb that I'm going to start. And as I mentioned earlier, I started that personal brand Reclaim Your Edge, that it was a big undertaking. It's like okay, how do I boil the ocean? Well, you don't. Let's just go find a little lake and let's see if we can heat that thing up. So that's where I landed with the Edge Performance Power Pack is where I started. I started with taking these supplements and starting to get this activation in me allowing me to really be open to okay, what's next? What can I learn differently? How can I approach my ... The way I approach my relationships with my kids or with my friends or my coworkers or my wife. What are those things that I could do to just make myself a better human? I think we all want to be better humans. Sometimes we look at it and say, "Okay, this is a big thing to do. I don't know how to change myself all at once." Well, you don't change yourself all at once. You change yourself each and every day and you just continue to make yourself a better person.

Whether that's your mindset, whether that's your health, whether that's around your relationships. You really center on this. So this community is starting to emerge. And where I go with this, I am so excited about it. And as I mentioned, got to get the message out, got to get the word out, got to start getting these testimonials back. I've already got a bunch of great testimonials but this now needs to start to hit a population level, not just an individual level. This needs to start getting this message out-

Dean: Well, now you need a mechanism in place for it. You need a mechanism.

Tim: Yes, I do. You have any thoughts, Dean?

Dean: I do. I think certainly a flagship, weekly email to everybody is going to be the baseline of everything. This is where you can kind of ... Because there's something about that I like this idea of the performance edge that that's a ... You've got the opportunity to be the voice of discovering all of these things. Like introducing people to all of these things and building this community of guys that are going on this same journey. Do you have a list right now? Do you have a list of these guys?

Tim: I have a very small list right now. I'm just in the process of building this. And of course, the Power Pack is a great entrée for me to start to gather this list.

Dean: Yes. Of course. So I think that that's the kind of thing ... I think it would be really good to wrap your mind around starting the process of every Sunday or every week or whatever that you get just a note from you. As a beginning. The easiest thing to do. Because that's going to then give you some voice. Because when you go on these podcasts, it's not about selling people on buying your stuff. We want to have a way of selling people on getting engaged in the thought of this, in the process of it. That if there's something, that if you've got a book or something that people can go and get as a direction, an instruction. If you go here you can download a copy of my book. Right?

Tim: Yep.

Dean: That two be a good thing. Have you thought about that process?

Tim: I have. It's not something that is in place yet. I don't have a book. I do have a free guide that individuals can download when they go to the website to be able to get that free guide. So if they just show up and they say, "Okay, well, I want to see what this Edge Performance Pack is all about. I've heard about it." And they may look at it and say, "Okay, well, maybe I won't buy it right now but there's a free guide that I can download." And that's basically a guide that will allow them to enter their email address and they in turn will get that free guide emailed to them. So it'll add them to the list. So that's where I'm starting with this.

Dean: That's what we want is to be able to ... Of course, there's a big group of people who are going to try whatever you say. Like you're just going to say ... Because you're going on other people's podcasts to begin with. And you're going to be introducing something to them, but you're not ... I don't know what the right word is. But you're not coming out of left field here. I mean, you're a real guy. You're the real deal. And a pedigree and everything like that. So this is real stuff. And I think that you've got enough that people are going to say, "I should give this a try." Like I would certainly say. I'm not pitching this to people or to whatever, but in our conversation and my instruction to the people listening is if you're in that age group and you think you could feel better, this would be something to try. And it works for me and makes me feel like it's doing something for me. So that's going to give people ... Some people, that's enough to say I'll try it. Like what could go wrong?

By the way, that reminds me then, where would people go if we could say go to try this? Are we ready now? Are we open?

Tim: We are ready. Yes.

Dean: Okay.

Tim: We are ready. So go to That is

Dean: Okay.

Tim: That is the home and that's where you can find the Edge Performance Power Pack as well as get the free download, which is-

Dean: Okay. So people can do that already. Okay, great.

Tim: Yep.

Dean: Perfect. I haven't even seen the website yet.

Tim: Yeah. I know. And there is a money back guarantee on this thing. If this does not produce the results that you expected then we'll refund the full amount. I'm here, not to sell you something, I'm here to improve your overall life, your overall wellbeing, your overall mindset. And as I mentioned, this is part of the activation. And if you feel that it hasn't activated you, then I will give you your money back. But this is really about helping those in need, helping those that are stuck that just have tried a lot of things and just haven't been able to get out of their funk. Again, this is not for me. This is not about making money. This is about me helping men on their mission. I want to give back to those who have given to me. I'm a big believer in go giving. I just want to give, I want to give, and I want to give. And I don't expect to receive anything in return. I just want to go help and serve those who need my help and need my support and those who I can help guide to live a better lifestyle and to be emotionally available for their family, be emotionally available for their friends and their ...

Because it's so important that if you can get the emotional piece in place, you get that mindset piece in place, the physical will just follow. Because your mind is going to lead your body. Don't let your body lead your mind. Because we all know how that works. Like okay, I'll eat this today or I'll do this today and I'll worry about it tomorrow. Well, we all know what happens when that happens, right?

Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Tim: So it's all about getting the mind out in front and getting those triggers and those changes to happen so that you can basically get yourself elevated to the next level where we all want to be and we all want to, once we get ourself elevated, to be able to just say, "Okay. Wow. What's possible? How can I accelerate this feeling? How can I accelerate this business path that I'm on? How can I go from running a mile a day to 10 miles?"

Dean: That's exciting when you think about this as an on ramp to acceleration. That's what could be celebrated in the community. Almost like when you think about beginning, it's such a ... If you think about creating that sort of passion around the community and what this stands for more than the product itself. Like for you to think about activating men who are at the point where they could slide down into not being activated. You know what I mean? That's what's happening. Sliding down. But to really jump them back up, that's a wonderful mission. You know?

Tim: Yeah. Yes it is. And I'm not going to tell you today, this is ... This is not easy. If it was easy, then you'd probably never realize that you're doing it. But to be able to get yourself out of this lifestyle you're in or this mindset you're in or the body that you're in, it's all about taking the first step. And as I made mention, it's all about getting your mind out in front and then letting your body just follow where it goes. And the one thing to notice is notice. Notice what you're noticing. And I love that term. It's Mary Morrissey. And we all know Mary. We love Mary. And Mary's term notice that you're noticing is really important here because what it means is that you just don't do something and just don't think about what it is that you just did. You do something and notice how you feel, how it is that you're perceiving things. You really start to dial in to that and I think again, Dean, as you mentioned, is that you started taking the Edge Performance Power Pack and you started noticing the differences, right?

Dean: Yeah.

Tim: And you're like, "Okay. This is great. How can I continue this?" So this is a great way to really step into that, "Okay, I notice an increase in my energy levels, in my focus, in my performance." It's unlike coffee when I drink. I drink coffee-

Dean: Right. That's what I mean. Yeah.

Tim: Yeah. You notice that, but you notice that every morning. And sometimes you like it because you've had too much caffeine and sometimes you don't like it because you haven't had enough. It's really tough to dial something like that. But when you introduce something new, it's always important to say, "Okay. How do I feel? How does my body feel? How does my mind feel? Do I want to do this again?" It's the same thing when you eat something. It's like, "Okay. How did that make me feel? Did it make me feel bloated? Did it make me feel energized? Did it make me feel like wow, I should do that every day?" So these are the things you've got to notice. That's the one most important thing. And I said it's not easy, but if you can start noticing these things on a daily basis you'll realize that you could actually do this the next day and you can do this the next day and then it starts to become a habit. Once that habit locks in and it's a good healthy habit, you're then going to say, "Okay, what other good healthy habits can I infuse in here?"

That's why I call this the activation is that you're flipping on those switches that have been turned off for a long time. And the reason why I came up with the brand name Reclaim Your Edge, it's about you know what, there was a time in your life, maybe it was in your 20s or 30s, where it's like things were popping. You were on point for everything. And you were like, "There's nothing that can stop me. I've got this edge about me and I'm just moving forward." And somehow it just got lost. We don't know where it got lost or how it got lost. Maybe just life just crashed in on us. But that's really about activating this edge. To be able to get that edge back in your life and you can say, "Hey, I'm now ready to look at my life in a different way and live my life in a different way and start today by doing this. This one simple thing to get me moving and propelling forward."

Dean: Activate. That's the one.

Tim: That's the one.

Dean: What's the website again?


Dean: Well, let's see if we can activate. I'd love to see who we get activated. Maybe send me an email if you're getting activated as well. And I think what would be really fun, Tim, is ... Have you got some podcasts already lined up that you're going out?

Tim: Yeah. I've got those messages out right now to start to get that.

Dean: Okay.

Tim: The best way to describe this right now, Dean, is I'm transforming. I'm actually moving into a new level in my life. And this is a very important level so I like to consider myself right now a bootstrap entrepreneur that has been building this thing and now I'm scrappy. I'm in the trenches right now just trying to dig as much as I can to get as much as I can and I'm going to do as many podcasts as I can or as many interviews. Just get my name, get this product, get this message out. So if anybody has any podcasts that I could join, please-

Dean: I was just going to say, how can they reach out to you?

Tim: Sure. Yeah.

Dean: What's the best way?

Tim: That's

Dean: Okay. Perfect. We need to get you a Tim or a name. Nobody has a relationship with info.

Tim: All right.

Dean: So we need to get you a personal-

Tim: All right. So why don't we do this?

Dean: But that's okay.

Tim: No. We can actually do that Dean.

Dean: Just some coaching for you there.

Tim: Thank you. So why don't we do

Dean: There we go.

Tim: That's a very simple one that I can add.

Dean: There you go.

Tim: Please, reach out to me with that email address.

Dean: There we go. Now, see you've got a relationship with Tim. That's what we want. I love it. Well Tim, this has been fun. I'm excited to see how the journey unfolds. I'm going to connect with you as we're going here too. But yeah, I'm super excited for you. I want to help you in any way I can. And I look forward to watching this journey unfold. I've got my box number one. Very first customer. So I've got that going for me.

Tim: Well, as you know, I am jumping on board your program.

Dean: Yes.

Tim: I know we've got a call today. I missed the one last week or two weeks ago, but I'm real excited to jump in on this and learn as much as I can, Dean. You're the master at this and I know we're connected to a lot of folks and there is nothing but great things that everybody says about you. And I know that you've worked with JJ and a lot of her doctors. And the results they've gotten have been overwhelming so I am so, so happy to be a part of your community and also to know you personally. As you mentioned, we've got this bromance and-

Tim: By the way, I just went to the hockey game on Saturday. My first one. They are letting people back in so got to enjoy a live hockey game. So next time you're down, we need to go see a hockey game.

Dean: Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. All right my friend. Well, I will talk to you in just a few hours.

Tim: All righty Dean. I appreciate it and thank you to all that are listening and we'll look forward to connecting with you again Dean.

Dean: Awesome. Thanks Tim.

Tim: All right. You take care.

Dean: Bye.

Tim: Bye.

Dean: There we have it. Another great episode. Thanks for listening in. If you want to continue the conversation, want to go deeper in how the profit activators can apply to your business, two things you can do. Right now you can go to and you can download a copy of the More Cheese Less Whiskers book and you can listen to the back episodes of course, if you're just listening here on iTunes. Secondly, the thing that we talk about in applying all of the eight profit activators are part of the Breakthrough DNA process. And you can download a book and a scorecard and watch a video all about the eight profit activators at And that's a great place to start the journey in applying this scientific approach to growing your business. That's really the way we think about Breakthrough DNA, as an operating system that you can overlay on your existing business and immediately look for insights there.

So that's it for this week. Have a great week and we'll be back next time with another episode of More Cheese Less Whiskers.