Ep164: Darren Kirby

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're talking with Darren Kirby all the way from the UK.

Darren does something pretty neat. He works with dads as his target audience, but dads who want to be fit, energetic, and have the extra energy they want to really enjoy their life, play with their kids and be there for their family.

We talked a lot about the idea of gathering that very specific target audience and creating the tools that allow them to identify themselves as the person he's trying to reach.

We talked about the idea of creating some activators or a manifesto that will help dads identify where they are, and what they need to work on to really live this energetic life.

This was a great conversation. I really enjoy it when people are crystal clear on who their target audience is because it unlocks the conversation about building that audience, communicating with that audience, and leading that audience to the next steps.

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Transcript - More Cheese Less Whiskers 164


Dean: Darren, here we are.

Darren: Indeed.

Dean: Welcome.

Darren: Thank you.

Dean: How was your day, end of your day now, right?

Darren: Yeah, yeah. It's been good for a Friday. So yeah. Not too bad.

Dean: Perfect. Nice end to the week there.

Darren: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Dean: I'm excited because we get the whole hour here to hatch some evil schemes.

Darren: Yeah, absolutely.

Dean: Let's start at the beginning. Tell me the Darren story and what we're going to focus on today.

Darren: Okay. About six, seven years ago now I had a bit of a physical health transformation and discovered triathlon and started to pay attention to my nutrition. About 15 years up until that point I'd been into what I thought at that time was fitness and health. Actually I got to the point where I realized that I actually wasn't fit and I actually wasn't healthy. Somebody entered me into a triathlon and it kind of snowballed from there really because then I started to really pay attention to my nutrition. I started to get much, much fitter and fast forward to where I'm at today where I've lost 28 kilos in weight.

I now take part in IRONMAN. I'm looking to qualify for the IRONMAN World Championships. The reason that, sorry, I'll backtrack a little bit. So then off the back of all the information that I learned, I decided that there were a lot of people out there like me who were middle-aged dads who are very busy and who basically would like to improve their weight and their fitness but there's so much information out there. There's nothing really in a concise and coherent way in which they can actually access it. One of the biggest challenges is around actually having time with having careers and families.

So I decided over a year ago to create a website, which is called Fitter Healthier Dad. It's based on the premise of which I was able to make my transformation and that is to get some clear and concise information and to be able to fit it into our busy daily lives without needing to spend hours and hours away from their family or hours in the gym taking all these crazy supplements. The site, a year ago, created its first product which is called The Busy Dad Weight Loss & Fitness Program, which is a 30-day program that people can buy and download. It's got step-by-step information in there in which within 30 days they can start making some big significant progress. I've got all of the traditional social media channels, and I've also got a podcast as well.

Dean: Nice. What's your podcast called?

Darren: It's called The Fitter Healthier Dad Podcast.

Dean: The Fitter Healthier Dad Podcast, what else would it be?

Darren: Yeah. Exactly. So yeah. That's kind of where I'm at. I've been on a lot of training around marketing, social media, and all the rest of it. But where I'm at today is that I'm regularly producing content. I'm doing some SEO but, to be honest, the site really isn't getting that much organic traffic. Obviously if I put paid traffic to it I do get quite a lot of visitors. I don't really get that many sign-ups to my email list. I have a free download, like a four-step process. I've just launched a five-day challenge today on the website as well. So yeah. That's kind of where I'm at really.

Dean: What's the way that you work with people? If we're talking about your during unit, like if somebody said, "I'd like you to help me," what's the method? How do you work with them? Is it just online? Do you have live coaching? What is available?

Darren: At the moment if you look at the website, the only thing available is basically the 30-day guide. The longer-term plan is to offer a multitude of products, so down from a seven-day meal plan up to the 30-day plan, up to a 90-day plan, a membership, and then one-to-one coaching. I am doing some free one-to-one coaching with some people at the moment and I'm getting some great results. The reason I'm doing that is to basically get some good testimonials. So it'd be-

Dean: I think a better thing than testimonials is to really document what you're doing and create what I call contentimonials, where you're creating content but you're wrapping it around the live viewing of a transformation. There's nothing quite so powerful as viewing something happen right before your eyes, you know?

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: It's kind of an interesting thing because especially if you have an audience of people that are watching. So if you start this process, you've got your podcast. How long have you been doing the podcast?

Darren: Since the beginning of the year.

Dean: ,Okay. So coming up on almost a year. Do you do it every week, or how often?

Darren: Yeah. I'm gradually getting towards every week. At the moment I've got about 15 episodes.

Dean:,So that's almost basically every month is what you're doing right now, right?

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: I would say, yeah, you want to ... Decision one is to get to that point where you are producing the content on a routine, that it's predictable, consistent, that every Sunday there's a new episode or every other Sunday or whatever it is. That's the first decision. Commit to that so you've got your schedule. And then how many people on your list right now that you have? What's your reach to announce a new episode? Or how do you indicate-

Darren: Yeah. At the moment I generally announce the episodes on social media and then some broadcaster lists. I've only got 190 people on the list, an email list, and I've got about 270 people in a Facebook group.

Dean: Okay. That's where you're starting right now. I say to people, listen, you've got an audience right now. You've got 300 people. I imagine there's some overlap of the people in the group and on the email list. But let's say in the group you've got 300, on the email you've got 196. I look at that as just to put it in perspective for people, that that's a really nice-sized church congregation. If you imagine, you just put that in perspective that you gather everybody in a church and that's a pretty full, regular church. You want to start with consistently communicating to those people because it doesn't ... You have to do it as if there's 30,000 people, because the mechanics of it are the same.

You're still going to produce a weekly show and the danger is that a lot of times people, they don't want to put in so much effort in the beginning when the audience is small because they're feeling like once the audience gets bigger, I'll do more podcasts. I'm ramp up. But the thing is that it's kind of a chicken and egg kind of thing, which came first? But you've definitely got to have the content to attract the audience. With binging now, I mean we're a binge society, that it's easy for people once they discover you, even if they discover you late in the game, it's easy for them to go back and catch up. So then they get even more intensely in love with you because they like what they're hearing but then they just go full immersion and they're like, "Wow. He's really speaking to me." Right?

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: So that's what's going on here. What's the result that you can deliver for people? Who's your audience and what ... I know your audience is the dads, but how do you describe the transformation or the outcome that you're able to deliver for people?

Darren: Yeah. The outcome really is more energy, feeling better, looking better, and really having ... The detail really is having more energy to spend time with the family to do stuff that at the moment you just don't feel like doing because you haven't got that energy.

Dean: Right. Okay. Energy is job one, right?

Darren: Yes.

Dean: Okay. Now, when you look at how you're able to measure that or how you're able to deliver that, what is it that somebody can expect? How do you get them to measure their low energy now or articulate it? A lot of those things are very generalized. More energy, feel better, look better. Better is a relative thing. What does that mean?

Darren: That's a good question. It's how I articulate it really. Yeah. I mean it means that ... What does it mean? It means that really you just want to be at your ... You have the inclination and the drive to get up and be more active, to actually do more with your family, have more experiences with the family. I'm not sure that's the most concise way that I could articulate it, but yeah.

Dean: That's why I'm asking this because you've got to ... Part of the way of communicating is being able to articulate clearly what somebody is feeling in a way that is maybe even better than they could articulate it, you know?

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: Because they haven't thought about it, but when you look at it that way it's a pretty interesting way to look at because that way they can self-assess. Now, one of the things, have you ever seen the way Dan Sullivan does scorecards for Strategic Coach?

Darren: I'm aware of Dan, but I haven't seen the scorecards, no.

Dean: Okay. We have actually our Profit Activator Scorecard where people go to profitactivatorscore.com. You can go through the process of scoring yourself on each of the eight profit activators. We do it in a way that there's a statement that people can read and say, "That's me," right?

Darren: Right.

Dean: When we say with Profit Activator One is selecting a single target market. The statements go progressively from the first column which is that they're failing in this one. The second column is that they're frustrated about their ability to choose a target market. The third column is that they're winning. They're doing okay in that one. The fourth column is that they are transforming. That would be the idealized version of selecting a target audience. What we have people do is give themselves two scores, give themselves a score for where they are right now and a score for where they want to be.

So if you were scoring somebody on energy, that if they're failing in energy, the statement that would match for them would probably be something like, you are constantly tired and you really find it hard to get through the day. You need a nap in the afternoon, and you're falling asleep at the end of the day on the couch. That's really the lowest possible energy that you could be. The next level up might be that you try and stay on top of the energy by getting good sleep. Often you find yourself falling asleep at the end of the day or don't have the energy to do the things on demand that your kids want to do.

And then the third level might be that you typically have enough energy to get through the day and to do the things that your kids want to do. You manage your energy right. But the transforming might be you wake up with the feeling of abundant energy. You can get everything that you want to get done. You've got lots of excess energy for the kids. That would be where the statement that somebody would say, "That's what I really want." You know?

Darren: Yeah. Yeah.

Dean: So if they're at the frustrated and you're pointing to, what's the idealized version of that? What could that be? That's a great way to get everybody on the same page.

Darren: Yeah. Yeah. Are you saying then that you're almost getting them to self-certify in a way?

Dean: Yes. Self-assess.

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: So that they know that this is what I need to work on. What your responsibility is is you're talking about you've defined it as the Busy Dad Weight Loss & Fitness Program, which is about the thing. It's about you, but it's not the outcome that they're going to get. So what your first thing is to decide what are the elements of what you're trying to teach people? You were talking about the energy. There's probably a couple of different flavors of that. Sleep might be one of the things, what their nutrition might be another. Their exercise might be another. Their hydration might be another.

If you looked at what are the eight key elements, and seven to nine things is right in the go zone of what you want to have as your sort of manifesto.

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: So people know what you stand for, right?

Darren: Right.

Dean: When you're looking at this, if we look at the eight Profit Activators as the example here, that is the framework for everything that I do. So I'm able to diagnose a business by putting it through the eight Profit Activators and seeing exactly where we need to focus, where the opportunity is, and I have strategies for each of them.

Darren: Right.

Dean: Right. You've got that probably unconsciously right now, I would say, for your process. It would be a valuable thing if you could articulate it so that people know what it is.

Darren: Yeah. Okay.

Dean: That way you can help people move along the way. So that way if you're doing this coaching that you're doing, you're basically documenting somebody going through a transition from failing or frustrated to transforming in their health, in their energy, in the way they feel about the way they look, and how they feel.

Darren: Right. Yeah, that makes sense.

Dean: Right. That's what I meant about contentimonials. When you look at that, you're documenting everything because that becomes your calling card in a way. It's your proof that this actually works.

Darren: Yeah. Yeah.

Dean: What happens as you're documenting it, especially you've already got 196 people, 300 people in the Facebook group that are paying attention. But what's going to happen is there are people in there who are observing, they're watching this happening. They're going to see somebody rise up from the group and they're going to start where they are and then they're going to see that in six months you've completely transformed them. They're still sitting on the sidelines watching it. That's going to be a motivator for them to say, "That could have been me."

Darren: Yeah, exactly.

Dean: Yeah.

Darren: I mean the contentimonial thing is very powerful, isn't it, because you're not saying what you're doing. You're actually doing it.

Dean: Yes. You're documenting it. I think that part of the ... I see that what will be very helpful for you. If I'm going through the eight Profit Activators for you, and it's really about the before unit right now for you because you're just kind of growing and getting it started. So that's the most important thing. You've selected your target audience. You can point to them and say dads is your thing, more mature guys who are low energy, have kids, want to get through the ... just want to be there for the kids, be involved with their kids, have that energy, all of that stuff. You've got that.

Now, Profit Activator Two is about getting those dads to raise their hand. What is the mechanism that you've got for people to opt in so that you turn an invisible prospect into a visible prospect? What is it that you're offering for people?

Darren: It's a four-step fat loss, one-page guide essentially. Basically there's four steps in there that they can follow quite simply and easily to start.

Dean: Yeah. How do you offer that right now?

Darren: That currently is an option on the home page of the website.

Dean: Okay. How are people finding your web page to go there?

Darren: Well, from multiple different areas really. The social media from running TTC ads, running Facebook ads-

Dean: Okay. So you're running ads for it. How much does it cost you to get an opt-in right now?

Darren: It was costing about two pounds a lead.

Dean: Okay. So that's not too bad. When you look at it now, were you able to do that in a high volume?

Darren: I didn't get it to the point where I was doing it at high volume, no. I was spending about 10 to 15 pounds a day on traffic and from that I would get, yeah, one to two, maybe two to three opt-ins a day actually.

Dean: Okay. So that's fine. You've got that front end engine. What I would look at for you is I would think about what would be the title of the book that your guys would definitely want to have? What would that be? Because that's not only going to get you opt-ins, but it's also then going to start the education process for people so that they've got an understanding of the whole context that you stand for, which is important because you've got to have ways for people to take that next step.

Darren: When you're talking about a book though, you're talking about a small ebook. I heard you talk about this kind of book before.

Dean: Yeah, yeah. I mean the very best book is a small book. I don't make any distinction between an ebook or a physical book. I just call it a book because that's what it is. The thing that we're looking for is this is something that is in the 50 to 70-page range that's enough that it's a book but it's also manageable to be readable in one sitting kind of thing because that's really the attention that we have right now. I always say that the thing that is the most important about using a book for marketing is that you've got to have a book. You've got to have a title that as soon as they read it your ideal audience says, "I want that book," and you've got to have a way for them to get it, which is an opt-in page or a lead ad or some way for them to leave their name and email.

Those are the only three things that matter when you're using a book for marketing to start a conversation, because unfortunately the things that people spend the most time on are that they spend months and months writing a book which makes no ... It doesn't matter how long it took you to write it. It doesn't matter how many pages it is. It doesn't matter how cleverly you phrased the third paragraph of chapter two. That's not the big picture of this. The things that matter is to get a book with the right title in front of your audience with a way for them to ask for it, and then start the ball rolling.

People get so caught up in that they've got to write this manifesto, this big, big ... this blockbuster. It's got to be the definitive work on the subject. I'm going to be recording a video this weekend actually for 90-Minute Book. I ordered, it just arrived at my house yesterday. I got a copy of there's a book in America that started the entire idea of the United States called Common Sense by Thomas Payne, I think was from him, in America in 1776 writing about what was the foundational stuff that led to the Constitution. The book is 80 pages. It's basically what started America.

And then I also got a copy of The Communist Manifesto, which is the book that started communism. It's about 60 pages. I mean what I'm saying is that I'm using those as examples to get people out of the idea that you have to write a 250, 300-page book to have any impact in the world. Those two books are less than 80 pages each and set the poles of all of our society. It's democracy and communism. I mean you can't have two books that have had more impact than those two. So what I'm saying is that we need a book for you that is the revolutionary manifesto for dads that want to be fit, right?

Darren: Yeah. That makes sense.

Dean: Right. Maybe that's even it is taking that idea of the fit dad manifesto kind of thing. And then it's like people can enroll in this idea of joining into this revolution that I want to ... That they're all, by joining this movement, they're recognizing and acknowledging that their health is their most important thing in their life, that they want to be there for their kids and their family, that they want energy, all these things that everybody's rallying behind and these ways that you've got to support everybody to get to the highest levels on the eight most important elements of the fit dad lifestyle or whatever you stand for, right?

Darren: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So what you're saying there is essentially there's seven to nine activators, dad activators if you like, and then the dad manifesto, the kind of bible to being the best version of a dad you can be for your family.

Dean: Yes. That would be the explanation of all of those seven areas, seven or eight things that would be the elements. That is the great framework to build everything on because you can go deeper and deeper in the service of making it possible for dads to get the support, the education, the tools, the help, the inspiration they need to get to 11 on all of those things.

Darren: Okay. In terms of testing how the market wants or sees this book, what you're saying then really is you want to get the overall outline and put it out there and look at the way in which people are raising their hands to it and then adapt it-

Dean: When you get the title, the most important thing is the title of this book. When you're looking at this, you want it to resonate with them so that when they see the title they immediately know this is the book for me. I use always an example that what people want, the name it and claim it is the one that I get of the four-hour work week. Yes, please, I want that. I use Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace as a great example. If you're in financial stress and you see a book called Financial Peace, you're just going to want to hold that to your chest because it feels like it's going to lower your blood pressure.

Dave Ramsey just came out with a new book from his team. It wasn't him, but he's publishing it, called The Debt-Free Degree, which is really so great because here in America the focus is on student loan debt that everybody's coming out of college loaded with student loan debt. So to have a book called The Debt-Free Degree is just so ... You know exactly what that's about the moment that you see it. So that's how it is. Now, The Debt-Free Degree doesn't have to be a 250-page book.

Darren: No.

Dean: Right. It could be a 50 or 60-page book that outlines here's the eight key elements to getting a debt-free degree and if you want to go further on this, we talk about these every week on our Debt-Free Degree Podcast. All it is is a call to get involved in this movement, right?

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: That's what we're looking for.

Darren: Yeah. The framework side of things together with the book, I can really see that because that's your cornerstone to everything that you do. So no matter where you're at, you can pick step number six, for example, if you're-

Dean: That's exactly right.

Darren: Yeah. Okay. So you're saying that at the moment unconsciously, well, I've got that in me picking that out. I guess I can just sit down and brainstorm what the eight key elements are to get into the end result, right?

Dean: That's exactly right. That's exactly it.

Darren: Okay. Yeah. I'm just making lots of notes. Yeah, okay. That makes sense. In terms of how then gets presented, obviously you'd have the book. But in terms of the elements, is that like you'd have that on the landing page or would you-

Dean: I'd have a separate landing page altogether. I would have it that the only thing ... Profit Activator Two stands alone. The only thing I'm looking to do, I'm looking to just rally the troops. I'm looking to rally the right people. I want to be in conversation with anybody who wants that, is attracted by that message. I do a lot of work with real estate agents. On that side of our business, I have a book called The Listing Agent Lifestyle which is exactly what realtors want. Those are attractive words for real estate agents. I offer that book. We run Facebook ads to that audience to get people to opt in. Now, in Profit Activator Three, I have The Listing Agent Lifestyle Podcast that I do every week just like More Cheese Less Whiskers.

It's a different real estate agent every week and we're talking through the eight elements of The Listing Agent Lifestyle. All of those things then lead to them choosing whenever they're ready to join us in our gogoagent.com community. We make it super easy because it's a 30-day free trial, no credit card required. Come on in, and they get engaged. That sequence is just constantly rolling. So as soon as somebody opts in for your book, the thing that you want to do now in Profit Activator Three is identify who are the five-star prospects. Who are the ones that want you to help them right now?

Darren: Okay. So yeah. It's starting to really come together, Dean. You're getting people to raise their hand. You're then taking them to the next level so that they're engaging and that they're hearing others getting results.

Dean: Yes. And then you probably notice every email that I send out, I send out three emails a week, and every email ends with, "Plus, whenever you're ready here are the four ways I can help you." So that I know that the only time that matters is now. It's either now or not now. When it's now, somebody's going to scroll past the article that I wrote that day and they're going to see that today is the day. Whenever you're ready, I'm ready. Let's be a guest on More Cheese Less Whiskers. Here we are, just like you. You went through exactly this process, right?

Darren: Yeah. Yeah. It's funny how unconsciously you go through that process.

Dean: Right.

Darren: Yeah. Okay. That really helps. Having that framework is a much clearer ... It gives me a much, let alone the audience, it gives me a much clearer path as to where the prospects are going to engage as opposed to where I've got at the moment, some free gifts, a free challenge, a seven-day meal plan, a 30-day plan. It's kind of just out there in the ether. That's kind of messy. If you're looking at that from the outside, you're not clear as to okay, where can I get involved in this process?

Dean: That's it. There's some little things. It's really all about email at this point. Generating and converting leads, the middle portion of your before unit is really all about email because that's the communication that you have that's most intimate with people. I read a book. There's a book called 20 Master Plots, that basically there are only 20 movie plots in all the world that every movie fits into one of these 20 plots. I find the exact thing with before unit emails, that there are some master emails that you need and elements of it. So the first element is the book that you got to have in order to get people to raise their hand.

But the moment they opt-in for it, you need an email right there to welcome them and to instruct them on what to do next. Then you need an email that engages in a dialogue with the ones who are ready to engage and a conversational conversion process that you can engage with the people who are willing to engage right now so that you can find out are they friendly and cooperative. Do they know what they want? Are they ready to get it right now? Would they like you to help them? But then you also need an ongoing, a flagship communication that goes out once a week, twice a week, three times a week, whatever your cadence is. It's got to be consistent. Once a week is certainly a good minimum pace of what I would look for for you.

Once a week you need a flagship email that's going out. Now, the good news is you've got your podcast. That can bring in and announce your podcast where people can come in and take the next step. But at every one of these junctures, every one of these emails that go out, you've got to have a way that says, "Whenever you're ready, here's three ways I can help you." So you want people to know what's the next thing. Maybe it starts out with try the scorecard. Maybe it's be a guest on the podcast. What you want is people moving forward. You want people progressively raising their hand that they're ready.

Now as soon as somebody fills out the scorecard, now you know where they are and what they self-assess and what their desire is. But if they self-assess that I'm really low energy and I want to be vibrant energy, I'm really bad on nutrition and I want to be great on nutrition, now your opportunity to engage with people is to help bridge that gap because the best thing is that you're the guy who knows how to get people from failing to transforming.

Darren: Yeah. So on that self-assessment, the scorecard, that's just one step within the seven to eight activator, right?

Dean: Yeah.

Darren: How are you presenting that to the prospects? Is that just a questionnaire?

Dean: Well, I have an online version of it built in so that people can go through the scorecard and record their answers online, so they can go through. And that way then they get a copy of the results and I get a copy of the results. So I see that they filled out the scorecard and I get to see that where their desire is. What I look for, you get to recognize patterns. When I look at the scorecard, what I look for are the people I can help the most are people who are high on Profit Activator One, meaning they know who they want to attract. They're high on Profit Activator Five which is delivering the dream come true, outcomes for people.

Maybe they dip down, that they're low, they don't know how to generate leads. They don't know how to educate and motivate. They don't know how to make offers. That's exactly what I can help them with because if they're already high on delivering the result, then if I could just get them more people to help it would be smooth sailing. Who you can't help as much or who I can't help as much is somebody who's low on getting the result. If you're saying that you are an expert at helping dads get fit and energy and vibrancy in their life and you rate yourself as low in your ability to do that, then marketing isn't going to help you.

Darren: No, exactly. All you're going to do is magnify the results that you can't achieve, right?

Dean: That's exactly right. Yes.

Darren: Yeah. Okay.

Dean: It helps frame the conversation that way.

Darren: Yeah. Well, you know then at the end of that exactly where they're struggling and you know clearly and concisely where you can help them. It cuts down the time to get that result, right, because you're going straight to the heart of the problem.

Dean: That's right, because now I know. I know that's what you want and I know how to get you there. So when I say join us for this, I'm getting together with some people to talk about morning routines for busy dads.

Darren: After they've gone through that scorecard, they've identified themselves?

Dean: Yes.

Darren: Are you then putting them into different buckets based on their answer and then feeding them out different content? Or is that-

Dean: No. No. I mean we flag them to know different things about people, but I have a very simple throughput system. Every week, like I said, I send out three emails a week. I do one podcast every week. So that's the thing. People can count on there's going to be a podcast on Sunday. There's going to be three emails a week from Dean and at the bottom of each of those emails is whenever you're ready, here are four ways I can help you. So that when it's now, you know what to do. You know that there's something there for you.

Darren: Yeah. Yeah. I like simplicity. Simplicity works for me.

Dean: Yeah. And then your podcast then is really about documenting and just encouraging and keeping people going.

Darren: Yeah. It's showing, not by me, that the result's coming because it's the people like them who are on the podcast that then talk about what they've achieved.

Dean: Yep. That's exactly right.

Darren: Yeah. That makes sense.

Dean: This has been a really good discussion in that one isolated part of the before unit here. That setting it all up, the framework that you hang everything on is just so important.

Darren: It is. It is. Yeah. I mean I think, let alone them, it gives me much more clarity.

Dean: Yes. And guess what? That makes it so much easier for you to train other people in your protocol. Then that gives you the ultimate scalability.

Darren: Yeah. Which is ultimately where it needs to get to.

Dean: Yeah.

Darren: But I think also, I think for me it's having this framework it's going to cut down on this time. If I reflect over the last year, it's taken me a year to get to this point. I don't want to be here in a year-

Dean: No.

Darren: ... and only one more step forward. At the moment, this system will accelerate that.

Dean: That's right. Now, you're in the UK, right?

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: So when I say this time next year, Rodney, you know what I'm saying, right?

Darren: We'll be millionaires. Yeah, exactly.

Dean: We'll be millionaires. This time next year, Rodney, we'll be millionaires. I think that's going to be great. I fully expect that between now you'll be able to get this going and you'll be able to join us in June when I come back for The Breakthrough Blueprint. We'll be celebrating your progress.

Darren: Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. It's very important. It's been great, Dean. Thank you very much.

Dean: What's your action steps here? I want to see that you ... I don't want to leave you without some action.

Darren: No, definitely not. My action steps is to get my seven to nine activators nailed down and to start getting the people that I'm helping on the podcast. It's to come up with a name for my book. Now, what we've already discussed is the Fit Dad Manifesto. I like that. I think that's potentially the name that we can test. I think there's three key things that have come out of this conversation. It's the activators which, for me, are very, very, important. It's the book that's obviously equally important and part of one of the activators. Also the podcast, I think it's kind of centered around all these activators and that is getting the people that I'm helping on the podcast to showcase them, not me.

Dean: Yes. Perfect.

Darren: Yeah.

Dean: This is good.

Darren: Yeah. Very, very valuable. Absolutely.

Dean: Awesome. Well, I can't wait to see it all unfold, so keep me posted.

Darren: I definitely will do.

Dean: Okay. Thanks, Darren. Have a great day.

Darren: And you. Take care. Bye bye.

Dean: Bye. And there we have it. Another great episode. Thanks for listening in. If you want to continue the conversation or go deeper in how the eight Profit Activators can apply to your business, two things you can do right now. You can go to morecheeselesswhiskers.com and you can download a copy of the More Cheese Less Whiskers book and you can listen to the back episodes, of course, if you're just listening here on iTunes. Secondly, the thing that we talk about in applying all of the eight Profit Activators are part of the Breakthrough DNA process.

You can download a book and a scorecard and watch a video all about the eight Profit Activators at breakthroughdna.com. That's a great place to start the journey in applying this scientific approach to growing your business. That's really the way we think about Breakthrough DNA as an operating system that you can overlay on your existing business and immediately look for insights there.

So that's it for this week. Have a great week and we'll be back next time with another episode of More Cheese Less Whiskers.