Ep083: Henri Cousineau

Today, we’re talking with Monsieur Henri Cousineau, from Montreal. Henri’s a real estate broker focused on leasing office space in the Montreal market.

He's been a realtor for a very long time and online since 2000! We talked about some of the evolution during that time, and focused in on the chain from getting eyeballs to his website, then people leaving their name and email address, then bonding with them over time, and finally meeting with them face-to-face. We discovered the weakest link for him is in getting people, once they come to his site, to leave their name and their email address.

We focused on that because from there, he's really got a great business dialed in and has been very successful in helping people once he’s able to be in contact with them.

This is a really good episode with a lot of transferable takeaways. You're going to enjoy it.

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Ep082: Jesse Ibanez

On today’s show, we're talking with Jesse Ibanez. I've known Jesse for, probably 20 years now. He owns a real estate and mortgage company in San Diego called the Greenhouse Group, and they really get behind this whole idea of the green lifestyle, and sustainability, and you know, they're in the right area for that.

A lot of people, especially in Southern California, and around the country, resonate with that message, and he's opening up a brand new office to server these people in an area he'd like to do more business.

We had a great conversation about how to integrate or marry the resonating purpose they have with their business and the economics of it. How do you make sure this is something that's going to fit with the sustainability of your business rather than be something that's just going to entertain you?

We worked through some really great questions to ask yourself and hatched some really viable evil schemes to attract more business that stay true to their real passion.

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Ep081: Kirsten Fox

Today we're talking with Kirsten Fox from the Culinary Wine Institute in Utah. The wine capital of America! I've known Kirsten for a while now. She's been part of our Email Mastery program, so we've had chance to work with her on some email case studies she’s been creating.

She has a really great business that trains the staff of resorts and hotels, helping their servers become more knowledgeable about wine, so they can pass that knowledge on to diners and ultimately impact the amount of wine sold.

We had a really great conversation and I think you're going to like where it went, because we ended up talking about something that could have a really great impact when we started talking about creating custom metrics.

A metric, a proprietary metric that’s unique to your program, that you can wrap your training around, becomes a proof element of both their need for you, and the impact of working with you.

I am excited for you to hear this episode. This is something that so many of you can leverage.

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Ep080: James Schramko

Welcome to the More Cheese Less Whiskers Podcast. Today I'm excited because we’re talking to my good friend, James Schramko.

We talked about many things including the book he’s just written called Work Less, Make More. It’s a title I love. It does what it says on the tin and you know exactly what it’s going to be about.

I go to Australia for a Breakthrough Blueprint event every year, so we get to spend a couple of weeks together just having breakfast and having great discussions both about philosophical approaches to business and practical approaches.

James is just one of my favorite conversational partners, and I think you're really going to enjoy this episode.

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Ep079: Joey Atlas

Today we're talking with Joey Atlas. Joey’s name has the perfect sound for what Joey does. He’s a wonderful fitness professional who’s figured out a really great way to get people results in a way that is fun and proprietary.

He's developed a machine that he calls the Sculptabod system and it's really pretty fascinating. We'll hear a lot of the story behind how it all came about.

We started out thinking about what's the best way to amplify his message, and we ended up with a really nice way for him to focus and scale in a very highly impactful way, working on creating the scale ready algorithm.

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Ep078: Ari Meisel

Oh boy. This is Dean Jackson, reporting live after a very special call with Ari Meisel. We recorded a More Cheese, Less Whiskers episode that’s going to blow your doors off.

We hatched a real wonderful scheme for our year. You may know Ari Meisel as the author of The Art of Less Doing. He's been a good friend and I completely resonate with everything he talks about. We had a great chance to have a conversation about the number one thing he could do to grow his business in the next year.

I think you're really going to enjoy this one.

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Ep077: Randy Redinger

Welcome to the MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com podcast.

If you've ever thought you’d like to take the lessons and experience you've learned in growing your successful business and helping other people grow theirs, then you're going to enjoy this episode.

We're talking today with Randy Redinger from South Dakota, and Randy has a desire to help plumbing contractors build a successful business by helping them avoid the pitfalls that he knows how to help them avoid by setting up the operational systems as well as the marketing systems that we’re talking about today.

This all fits into a category that’s one of my favorite things… syndication.

Essentially what you're doing is taking a proven model, when you've figured something out for a business and then shortcutting the process for them. It’s almost like a franchise prototype, by creating an operating manual for them to follow, a roadmap to get a result.

Randy's at the very, very early stages of setting this up, so we had a conversation about how to think about it, the baby steps to set this up. I think you’ll enjoy the conversation if this is something you've ever thought about.

And why wouldn't it be something you think about? If you've got a successful business and there are other people in the same business as you, it's a great idea. Nobody is ever going to appoint you to the position of leader in your field, but guess what? Nobody's going to stop you from taking that position either!

Come into this one with a sense of possibility, and I think you might enjoy what we're going to talk about.

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Ep076: Kelly Krueger

Welcome to the MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com podcast. Today we're talking with Kelly Krueger. Kelly has a really cool new website she's created called IngeniousBaby.com where she has a really great idea of helping parents of newborn to three year olds really maximize the development of their child in that critical period.

We talked a lot about the outcomes that someone would get if they went down the right path with their baby, and what's the worst outcome that could happen, to establish where we want to help parents go, and what are the opportunity and pitfalls.

As a new business, she was very curious to how monetize this new community and what model to use, so we explored some of the different options, how to build a great foundation, and who might be interested in sponsoring or having access to this community.

It’s a great episode for anyone starting to think about this challenge.

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Ep075: Dino Dondiego

Welcome to the More Cheese Less Whiskers Podcast. Today, we’ve got a great episode I’m excited to share with you. Today I’m talking with Dino Dondiego, from New Jersey. Dino has created, invented a process that can help millions of people with thinning hair.

It’s a unique, nonsurgical process and the most effective way to get thicker hair that’s completely natural. It’s called InvisaBlend.

He’s at the point now where he’s starting to spread this idea through a network of people who are affiliates of his program and do the actual installation of his process. We talked a lot about the different options he has to scale this, and you’ll be surprised at the direction it ends up taking.

This is a little bit longer episode, but I found it really fascinating. Plus, somewhere in the middle here, you get to hear about my movie idea, the world premiere of my movie Idea that I've never shared with anyone publicly. That’s a little Easter egg within the episode for you!

Listen in. You're going to enjoy it.

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Ep074: Henry Reith

Welcome to the More Cheese, Less Whiskers podcast and today we're speaking with Henry Reith who’s with Simply Headsets in Australia.

They're the number one headset provider in Australia and have a great business. They've been in business for almost 12 years and as we started talking about it, we uncovered all the things they're doing really well.

They've got a great e-commerce site, they convert a lot of their visitors, they've got a lot of customers. So we talked about the opportunities of converting more leads and some before unit strategies to increase the number of people they can engage with who come to their site.

We also looked at the big opportunity of what to do with their after unit. They've got thousands and thousands of customers and we talked about some predictive ways to generate more business from previous customers.

We had a really great conversation you're going to enjoy.

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