Ep151: Louis Sauer

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Louis Sauer about his really neat golf practice facility.

Now what I want you to notice about this conversation is what I'm always looking for when we're doing episodes... and that's what is the underlying business model?

When you look at today's show, what Louis has is a situation similar to a hotel business. If you think about it, he has available spots in the practice bays at his facility, and if they're not taken, they perish. Just like a hotel room, or a seat on an airplane, or a table in a restaurant… any of those things where you've got an opportunity to have full capacity.

In all these cases, you start to think about how high is high. If I was full all the time, what are we faced with here? What is the potential?

The challenges and opportunities become, how do we maximize this? How do we get as many people as possible to experience it at least once, so we can keep the people who really like what they experienced?

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Ep150: Michelle Garcia

Today we have a very special simulcast episode of the Listing Agent Lifestyle, and More Cheese Less Whiskers podcasts.

Now, if you've been listening for any time, you know my two favorite things in life are marketing and real estate, and I love it when those paths cross.

Today is one of those days because we've got a special guest, Michelle Garcia, from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and Michelle is a realtor looking to build systems around cracking into the luxury market in Coeur d'Alene.

She's had some success. She listened to the I Love Marketing podcast and learn some strategies that she started applying in her business. She put together a relocation guide and started finding all these buyers who are looking for homes in Coeur d'Alene.

She realized the reason she's getting all these buyers was because that's who she was attracting with her guide, so start thinking about how to apply marketing to get what she really wants… listings… and maybe she could do the same thing.

So that's where we started our conversation, and I think you're really going to enjoy where this leads.

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Ep149: Brian Diez

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Brian Diaz from Long Island, and Brian is a mortgage broker with a great target audience of working with first-time buyers, who are Spanish speaking, and who live in Long Island or the areas right around there.

Brian's building relationships with real estate agents he can collaborate with to help these clients get homes using grant programs, and it's a really great, well thought out system, and you're not going to believe some of the numbers, the lead costs he's getting because it's such an on-target campaign.

This is what happens when you are really specific and compelling in your messaging with your audience, and we talked about the longevity of this approach and the real value of being in it for the long term.

We had a great conversation, and you're really going to enjoy it.

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Ep148: Dillon Hill & Clay Stevens

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Dillon Hill & Clay Stevens from Sacramento, California, and they have a really great story.

They started out doing something to support a friend who was diagnosed with cancer. They helped him complete as many ‘bucket list’ items as they could, they documented their journey, and that really got a lot of traction out in the world.

Now they are trying to help other people with cancer, knock things off their bucket lists.

We were trying to figure out how to model their first success, how to set something so that they can do it full time, and during the call we actually texted my friend Nick Nanton, who's an 11 times Emmy winning movie documentary producer, director, who jumped on the call with us to do some brainstorming. 

So this is a little longer episode than we normally have, but I think that you'll get a lot out of the conversation that will guide how to really think about setting up something new, so that you get a context and a structure that’s sustainable. 

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Ep147: The Self Milking Cow with Frank Kern

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we have a bit of a different show. I'm down in South Beach this week, and one of the things I got to do was spend a little time with my friend Frank Kern, and it reminded me of being on his podcast, ‘Your Next Million’.

We talked about ‘the self milking cow’. I shared the idea that the struggle or limitation, holding back a lot of entrepreneurs back is that they're trying to be ‘self milking’.

They're trying to do it all; trying to make the milk, meaning come up with the ideas, the money and the strategies, and they're also trying to milk themselves, package it, take it to market, and do the billing and clean up around the shop and farm.

The sooner you realize making the milk is the most important thing you can do, and it's the thing that only you can do, the more success you’ll have. Everything else can be done by farmers, and I'm saying that not in a demeaning way to farmers, because there are people who love to be in support roles or love to do things without having to come up with the milk.

I think when you're the person who can make the milk, one of the creative leaders of an entrepreneurial venture, whether it's a real estate agent, or any kind of business, the problem is we kind of take it for granted. We think that everyone can do it and it almost feels like we shouldn't be able to just do that as it seems too easy. It seems like it’s not work.

That's a limiting belief, and you’ll realize not everyone is you, and that some people, in fact most people, really just want to know exactly what to do and feel like they're making a contribution to a bigger picture.

We had a great conversation and I'm going to let you listen in on that entire conversation this week, and then I’ll be back next week and we'll continue with our regularly scheduled programming.

In the meantime, enjoy this one. I think you're really going to get a lot out of it.

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Ep146: Ricardo Vasquez

Today on the More Cheese, Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Ricardo Vasquez from Toronto and Ricardo has something pretty neat. He's working on creating a system in a community and a membership program for people who want to pursue mixed martial arts.

We had a really great conversation. Ricardo’s been a lifetime MMA practitioner. He's been involved in the sport for a very long time and has a real passion for it. He's just getting started with it as a business, so we talked a lot about how to get things going.

How do you start with a big vision for something that could have a global community, but take actionable steps to really to get started. Where do you begin and how do you structure and organize it so that you've got a scalable business. What we call a scale ready algorithm.

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Ep145: Matthew Coast

Today on the More Cheese, Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Matthew Coast, and Matthew has a company, a website with tools, programs and coaching, to help women find the man of their dreams. The one who will love them, treat them like a queen. The one who will think about them above all others.

He's really has a dream-come-true scenario for women who want to be in a relationship with ‘the one’ right guy.

He has a big list of women who are eager to hear their information, so we talked a lot about how to connect all the help they can give these women, in a way that makes it easy for them to get started.

We talked a lot about continuity programs, email, super signatures, and scorecards, all about starting conversations and getting people engaged.

And all of it transfers to anyone else in a similar situation; where you have information that can help a specific group of people get a very specific result.

So every time you hear us talk about dating or hear about women, you can insert your situation, the kind of people you work with, and the kind of help you offer as a coach or information provider.

That's what I love about this and all of the things we talk about. This principle centered approach applies across all kinds of different industries.

You're really gonna enjoy this episode. Matthew's great, and I'm sure we'll have a great follow up to see everything he's implemented.

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Ep144: Chris Hill

Today on the More Cheese, Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Chris Hill all the way from New Zealand.

Now, I first met Chris at a Breakthrough Blueprint event in London. He came to the very first event I did there, and he runs a company called Hands up Holidays. It’s a really interesting company because they combine luxury travel with voluntourism.

Chris has a really a great backstory to how all of this happened. His company has gone through different iterations and different ways it's evolved over time, and what we were talking about today is how do we, when you've got a global market as an opportunity and you've got a very defined type of person who you're trying to attract, how do you narrow that down to the best people to approach.

I always love when we spent a lot of time in our Profit Activator one, trying to zone in on the ideal target audience and how to get people to raise their hands.

You're really going to enjoy how we dial it in over this episode.

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Ep143: Victor Vento Jr

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Victor Vento Jr, and Victor has an agency that helps people with subscription services.

We had a really great conversation that flew by! I've got a lot of experience in this particular endeavor and recurring revenue is one of my favorite models.

During the call we dove deep into the specific things Victor is doing with one of his clients, but the examples we talk about don't really matter because the model of getting someone to try something for the first time, and then offering a way for them to stay and deliver a service to them month after month after month, it's the same underlying mechanics and psychology.

The motivations are the same whether it's a subscription to a software services or a newsletter, or information or coaching or anything.

Everything that we talked about is transferrable to all of these models, and so much of it is about getting the metrics right.

You're going to enjoy this episode, especially if you are working with or hoping to work with something that has a recurring element to it.

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Ep142: Paul Adams

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Paul Adams from Brisbane Australia, and today is one of those time when you know that you've hit on something that's a great idea.

Paul is a theater producer and an actor, and he had an idea for a theatrical show that he wanted to produce for primary school age kids and their families, and do it at a time when school is out on vacation.

The original discussion was about how can he can get the word out about the show but in that discussion we started thinking about how high is high, or what other models could we draw from here?

We started talking about Simon Cowell, Tyler Perry, and other models. I then shared with him an example of something that I know real estate agents do here in America and Canada, that could solve the entire issue for him. We really, as we thought it all out, realized this is THE idea.

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